Saturday, April 3, 2010

Colours....they mean something

Was reading a book on Perception and Imaging....... among other interesting aspects of Imaging, what hit me mst was meaning of different colur when it comes in imaging. I'm just coping word by word here for you.

Black: Glossy black suggests formal Wear and Class, wher as dull black suggests mourning and death.

Blue: Propriety, Truth, Masculinity, Business-like, Timeless, Inner peace.
Brown: Earth, Security, Comfort
Gold: Wealth, Generosity, Expensive, Upper Class
Green: Environment, Health, Self-esteem, Fertility
Yellow: Happiness, Success, Intellect, Sunlight, Warmth
Orange: Assertiveness, Endurance, Pride
Purple: Sorrow, Penitence, Spiritual Mastery
Red: Passion, Vitality, Creativity, Warmth
Silver: Intuition, Dreams
White: Purity, Honesty, Cleanliness

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Life is mess... or ...there's always a ray of hope within it !!!...

Messy Light

It's just the way you look..... this decoration light i saw in one hotel.... just forced me to think about life..... it's upto you, you want to look it as a Mess or focus on the light peeking through that your HOPE

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Coffee Time

It's Coffee Time

Someone also said

"You know you are a grad student when...
you consider caffeine to be a major food group"

With this definition, i'll be a grad student lifetime......and with Starbucks around... things go irresistible.

I follow this practice of having a nice Coffee every time i buy something good for me... and this time it was my 70-200F/4 IS L lens.... the costliest photographic equipment i ever brought... and infact i used the same lens to shoot this.

TO be honest i just need a reason to have coffee... so next time you catch me at Starbucks deosn't means i brought something very costly...